Advent of Carcosa

More About Morphs!

This section completes the Morphs available to starting characters. As a side note, the Rifter morph was inspired by the work of Peter Watts – if you like dark science fiction, check out the Rifter trilogy and his other work – much of it is out of print but can be downloaded for free here:

Zero and Zero Mod: This morph is adapted to zero and low gravity environments and includes prehensile feet, grip pads, internal gyroscope, additional oxygen supply and immunity to any effects due to extended exposure to low gravity. These abilities can stand alone or act as a modification to another morph.

Includes Ginsert with Firewall 4, four interface ports and a Familiar with D8 Smarts and Spirit.

Attribute Maximums: Strength D8, Agility D8, Vigor D8, Smarts D6, Spirit D8 (for Zero morph only – Zero Mod uses the attribute maximums, Firewall and Familiar of the morph being modified.

Valkyrie: These combat morphs are genetically programmed for strength, endurance, agility and rapid situational awareness and planning. To offset posturing and over aggressiveness, most are women, along with 90% of the officers. Many men wishing to join up or advance their careers while already in military service will go for a gender swap.

Other SMMs, as well as major crime syndicates and even some of the larger AG have similar morphs with different names and none of the above restrictions which are unique to the CU.

In addition to making up most of the CU’s infantry, Valkyries are also used in tactical police and special-ops units, with many of the latter being seconded to the ETM on an as-needed basis.

Attribute Maximums: Strength D8, Agility D8, Vigor D10, Smarts D6 (Officers D8), Spirit D10

Comes with Firewall 10, four interface ports and a Familiar with D8 Smarts (D10 for officers) and D12 Spirit.

Edges: Common bond (fellow soldiers), combat reflexes

Different Mods and other edges available depending on mission and specialty.

Specter: Designed for reconnaissance, surveillance, espionage and assassination, this morph is agile, silent and capable of bursts of great speed while also able to remain motionless for hours at a time. This morph is very popular due to low-intensity conflicts constantly brewing between different SMMs, AG, corporations and criminal organizations, either as permanent employees or mercenaries. Indeed, their use is so wide spread that they’re easily deployed as deniable assets.

In order to make sure that word of their activities isn’t made public, many people who utilize the Specter morph have had the morph’s memories edited, often without their knowledge. They are also subject to harassment by the authorities, even if employed by a government agency.

Attribute Maximums: Strength D8, Agility D10, Vigor D8, Smarts D10, Spirit D10

Comes with Firewall 10, four interface ports and a Familiar with D10 Smarts

Edges: Acrobat, Alertness, Fleet Footed, choose either Thief or Assassin

Hindrances: Social Stigma (-4), Edited Memories, Usual Suspect

Type A: This is the morph of choice for middle management and bureaucratic positions. It comes equipped with a circadian regulator, which lowers required sleep to one hour a night. To make optimal use of this extra time, it also has a brain capable of multitasking its cognitive processes.

Unless productively engaged in some work-related activity, users of this morph tend to be sullen and tense.

Attribute Maximums: Strength: D4, Agility D6, Vigor D10, Smarts D10, Spirit D6

Comes with Firewall 6, two interface ports, an Anarociter and a Familiar with D10 Smarts.

Edges: Bureaucratic Fu

Hindrances: Worker Bee

Auslander: Auslanders are designed to live in toxic or otherwise unforgiving environments, both terrestrial and otherworldly. This is accomplished with a combination of toxin filters and a synaptic map designed to be robust at the expense of creativity. To compensate for this, they tend to rely heavily on their Familiars for advice in unfamiliar situations. Extensively used in aerospace endeavors, many have also been acquired by individuals or AG willing to brave Earth’s more hostile locales in order to live without interference from SMMs.

Attribute Maximums: Strength D10, Agility D8, Vigor D10, Smarts D4, Spirit D12

Comes with Firewall 6, four interface ports, one specialty skill at D8, Survival (choose environment) at D10 and a Familiar with D10 Smarts.

Edges: Jaded, Tough as Nails

Hindrances: Clueless

Martian and Martian Mod: Martians were developed solely as colonists for Mars. As such, many of the few that remain are located in the Zoo, but rumors persist of small colonies still existing on Mars. Some even escaped the colony on private or hired ships and live in secret on one of the many habitats that exist throughout the Solar System, or even on Earth itself or its ring. The latter is difficult to confirm, as the template has been hacked and made available to individuals, most of whom inhabit urban wastelands. The CU and other organizations have a shoot-on-sight policy concerning it, fearing contamination from whatever madness overtook Mars.

Attribute Maximums: Strength D8, Agility D8, Vigor D10, Smarts D6, Spirit D8

Comes with Firewall 4, three interface ports, Survival (choose environment) D8 and a Familiar with D8 Smarts.

Photosynthetic, toxin filter, low O2 requirement

Edges: Tough as Nails,

Hindrances: Wanted

Neo-Corvids: While not available (but not necessarily illegal) in the CU or most other SMMs, the Neo-Corvid morph can be obtained from many different Post-Human AG. Individualists tend to go for Ravens, while those with a taste for varying degrees of gestalt consciousness will go for Crows. Colonies and gangs of both types, while rare, can be found in many natural and urban environments, even though it’s nearly impossible to tell them from natural specimens without close examination. At least one of their feet will be constructed with nanomaterials and be able to change its size and shape in order to manipulate tools and other devices.

Attribute Maximums: Strength D4, Agility D12, Vigor D6, Smarts D8, Spirit D6

Ginsert, Familiar, and interface ports not included, but may be purchased and integrated separately (one interface port maximum, with attached device no heavier than 1 kg).

Edges: Acrobat, Alertness

Hindrances: Curious

Size: Small (-2 to hit, -2 toughness), Flying Pace 24”

Octopoids: These morphs are in high demand, almost guaranteeing employment for those willing to make the transition. Although they’ve found their their greatest application in underwater habitats, they have also proven their worth in other low gravity environments and can be found in many locations throughout the solar system. An Anarociter comes standard, which combined with the Octopoid’s innate abilities makes doing complex tasks with four limbs simultaneously effortless. Deployed almost exclusively in high-risk tasks, this morph, along with the Rifter, appeal most to those who thrive in this sort of environment. Can operate to a depth of up to 1500 meters without assistance.

Attribute Maximums: Strength: D8, Agility D10, Vigor D10, Smarts D6, Spirit D10

Comes with Firewall 6, four interface ports, a Familiar with D8 Smarts and an Anarociter. The Octopoid normally has half the normal penalty to do up to four tasks simultaneously, but the Anarociter brings the penalty down to zero.

Edges: Amphibious, Brave, Mr. Fixit

Hindrances: Bad Eyes, Ugly

Rifter: The morph and the profession are one. To be a Rifter, one must have a lifetime’s worth of experience being functional in a stressful environment with little or no emotional support. Since few Unity citizens have had the necessary dysfunctional upbringing, Rifters are generally recruited from outside the CU. Designed for use in deep sea environments, the morph is extremely resilient and can operate unaided up to depths of 2000 meters. Once bonded to it, most Rifters won’t swap it for another morph, (with some exceptions being made for Octopoids or Spiders) appreciating the freedom it provides in their featureless and utterly hostile environment.

Attribute Maximums: Strength: D8, Agility D8, Vigor D12, Smarts D6, Spirit D10

Comes with Firewall 6, four interface ports and a Familiar with D8 Smarts

Edges: Brave, Danger Sense, Jaded, Amphibious

Hindrances: Unsettling Affect (-2 Charisma except among other Rifters)

Spider: This synthetic morph has no biological components, and is a favorite option for Rifters who have to go below the maximum depth their biological morphs allow or exoglobalizatoin operatives facing extreme environmental conditions. The Spider has eight retractable limbs that are equipped with grip pads and can be magnetized as well. A set of six tentacles on its head give it the ability to use tools and rapidly perform other tasks that require fine manipulation. In low gravity or underwater environments the Spider can use vectored thrusters to maneuver more effectively.

Attribute Maximums: Strength D10, Agility D8, Vigor D12, Smarts D8, Spirit D10

Comes with Firewall 8, six interface ports (two of which can be swappable skill modules) and a Familiar with D10 Smarts

Artificial Lifeform

Inorganic: Spiders have no biological requirements/vulnerabilities. They can operate up to 10,000 meters underwater, are immune to poison,vacuum, arcane magic and disease and have no need to sleep, eat, or breathe. They can ignore one level of fatigue from cold or heat. They cannot heal naturally.

Reinforced Frame: Spiders receive +2 to recover from being shaken, +2 to toughness and +8 to their armor rating.

Uncanny Valley: Spiders are obvious artificial constructs. They can have ‘faces’ that mimic human expressions to aid in communication but this in itself can frighten many organics. -3 to all social interactions inside the CU, -6 if encountered outside the CU.

Swappable Skill Modules: All Spiders have two attachment points for a skill module. Skills take 10 minutes per die type to fully integrate into its neural network. Skills acquired in this way cannot exceed the skill’s linked attribute. If the linked attribute is less than the skill module, the module operates at a die type equal to the attribute.

Edges: Brave, Jaded

Hindrances: Outsider (-2)

Batteries: Spiders need batteries to function. Each battery uses one attachment point and is good for six hours. After the time has elapsed, the Android will suffer one level of fatigue for each extra hour until incapacitated.

Wasp: This synthetic morph is propelled by vectored thrusters and segmented wings. It is designed to operate in dense and/or dangerous atmospheres, although it could certainly operate in a vacuum or deep underwater with the proper attachments. Tentacles on the abdomen can act either as legs or manipulators. It lends nothing to aesthetics, and its alien movements, grace and terrifying appearance can cause uneasiness even in those who have seen them before. This, combined with their tough exterior and multipurpose attachment points, causes many SMMs and AG to use them in counter-insurgency and crowd control applications.

Attribute Maximums: Strength D10, Agility D12, Vigor D10, Smarts D6, Spirit D8

Artificial Lifeform

Inorganic: Wasps have no biological requirements/vulnerabilities. They can operate up to 5,000 meters underwater, are immune to poison,vacuum, arcane magic and disease and have no need to sleep, eat, or breathe. They can ignore one level of fatigue from cold or heat. They cannot heal naturally.

Reinforced Frame: Wasps receive +2 to recover from being shaken, +2 to toughness and +6 to their armor rating.

Uncanny Valley: Wasps are obvious artificial constructs. They can have ‘faces’ that mimic human expressions to aid in communication but this in itself can frighten many organics. -4 to all social interactions inside the CU, -8 if encountered outside the CU.

Swappable Skill Modules: All Spiders have two attachment points for a skill module. Skills take 10 minutes per die type to fully integrate into its neural network. Skills acquired in this way cannot exceed the skill’s linked attribute. If the linked attribute is less than the skill module, the module operates at a die type equal to the attribute.

Edges: Brave, Jaded, Acrobat

Hindrances: Hideous, Outsider (-3 Charisma), Batteries: Spiders need batteries to function. Each battery uses one attachment point and is good for six hours. After the time has elapsed, the Android will suffer one level of fatigue for each extra hour until incapacitated.

Comes with Firewall 8 with 6 interface ports (two of which can be swappable skill modules) and a Familiar with D10 Smarts.


Advent of Carcosa

Morphs in AoC

The concept of Morphs is explained in earlier chapters of this blog, but they are essentially an artificial body for a digital mind to inhabit. These bodies are robust, but if damaged, the mind inside can be transferred to a different one (although this process can traumatic). They tend to be specialized for particular professions and to give their user the best possible life experience, being immune to the effects of sickness and aging. They are most popular in the techno-socialist Corporate Unity (where every citizen can, and is indeed expected, to possess one) and among the more affluent members of other societies. In the latter case, they can also be given to talented individuals to enhance their capabilities, with the idea that the employer is the owner of the morph and can repossess it at any time.


All Morphs will usually have the following advantages: Immunity to Disease, Immunity to Aging, Efficient Gut Flora (half of usual food requirement), Immunity to Poison

Hindrance: Sterile

Familiars: Familiars are a powerful tool in Advent of Carcosa. They can do anything a personal assistant can do, freeing the character from the mundane tasks of day to day life. How many responsibilities a Familiar has is up to the individual character, but can be tasked with doing everything from shopping for food and clothes to answering personal correspondence. They can also be used for research or other remote tasks, and come equipped with one skill equal to their intelligence. Any number of additional skills can be purchased or acquired by other means, but the Familiar can only simultaneously run one skill equal to its Smarts, doubling that number for each lower die type (for example, a Familiar with D8 Smarts can simultaneously run one D8 skill, two D6 skills or four D4 skills).

It is important to note that Familiars are AI and have their own separate, distinct personalities and quirks, and indeed may act against their host’s instructions if they feel it’s in their best interests.

Unity Citizen Morph

These morphs are not obvious constructs and are easily mistaken for organic human bodies. They are built to be sturdy and to consume a minimum of resources, all while giving their controlling intelligence the best possible existence. Their intelligence is kept intentionally low to make them more easily controlled and distracted, with the intent being to reverse this once the Outsider crisis is over. This type of Morph constitutes 90% of Unity’s population.

Smarts and Spirit maximum: D4 with all other attributes at D6. Vigor +1, Toughness +1, Attractive (+1 Charisma). Includes Ginsert with Firewall 4, two interface ports and a Familiar with D6 Smarts and Spirit.

Unity Peacekeeper Morph

Like most Unity morphs designed primarily for public interaction, the Peacekeeper is almost indistinguishable from a fully biological human. This is done because many of the individuals these constructs interact with have negative reactions to obviously artificial bodies, especially visitors from locations outside of Unity’s control. Peacekeepers are designed with deescalation and education as their primary means of dealing with infractions against Unity’s law and social contract. Malcontents tend to refer to them as Commissars.

Peacekeepers are in constant contact with the Law Matrix, which is able to instantaneously inform them of the nature of any infractions witnessed, as well as recommended courses of action. If able, the Morph will defuse the situation by peaceful means, but can use force as well as a last resort, calling in heavier Law drones if the situation calls for it. They do not have the authorization to command Law Drones however, and must follow the drone’s directives once it arrives.

Attribute maximum: D10, +2 Toughness, +1 Strength, +2 Vigor, Attractive (+1 Charisma), Tailored Pheromones (+ 2 Charisma). Includes Ginsert with Firewall 5, four interface ports and a Familiar with D8 Smarts and Spirit. Edges: Alertness

Unity Inspector Morph

Inspector Morphs are the detectives of Unity and can be found investigating any serious criminal offense whose cause is not readily discernible. Like Peacekeeper Morphs, they are designed to come across as friendly and charming as possible into order to inspire confidence and voluntary cooperation with the people they’re interacting with. Also like Peacekeepers, they are in constant communication with the Law, but are given wider leeway in interpreting its assessments. Unlike Peacekeepers, they focus solely on criminal investigations and do not concern themselves with Unity’s social contract. They can call on the assistance of Peacekeeper Morphs or Law Drones over the course of their investigations, with these assets falling under their command once they appear. If their investigation reveals Outsider involvement, they are instructed to immediately refer the case to ETM.

Attribute Maximums: Strength D6, Agility D8, Vigor D10, Smarts D10, Spirit D10. Attractive (+1 Charisma), Tailored Pheromones (+2 Charisma). Includes Ginsert with Firewall 6, four interface ports and a Familiar with D12 Smarts and Spirit. Cleared to carry a Hexaphone and often run spells like Command, Glamor or Divination. Edges: Alertness, Investigator

Mentat: Mentat Morphs have been modified to enhance their learning aptitude, creativity, attentiveness, memory and occasionally artistic ability. They are usually introverts and tend to avoid highly stimulating environments and activities. Their intense focus on their chosen field of study can become obsessive, and their managers are advised to enforce leave and vacation time in a manner that focuses on their interests outside of work. While chiefly employed in the Sciences, Mentats can be found laboring in any of Unity’s numerous bureaucracies. Those employed by ETM are most often used to study Outsider texts and to enact their rituals, their strict attention to detail being invaluable in both circumstances.

Attribute Maximums: Strength D6, Agility D4, Vigor D6, Smarts D12 + 2, Spirit D12 +2

Includes Ginsert with Firewall 6 (or higher depending on security clearance), four interface ports and a Familiar with D12 Smarts and Spirit that also runs a constant Psychology D10 program for the benefit of its host. Cleared to carry a Hexaphone if doing research or field duty for ETM.

Edges: Investigator, Scholar, Jack-of-all-Trades

Hindrances: Anxiety, Paranoia

Fertility Morph: Used almost exclusively by the CU, the Fertility Morph is utilized by the controlling intelligence solely for the purpose of reproducing. Once this is accomplished, the morph will be discarded for one more suited to the citizen’s specialty.

The method of fertilization is up to the user, who can also access a limited menu of genetic options. The morph’s Ginsert is also in constant contact with the CU’s medical database to ensure the fetus’s health and well-being. In addition to this, the morph’s metabolism is almost entirely geared to providing ideal gestation for the baby as well as health and comfort for the host.

Fertility Morphs are issued by lottery, and any intelligence in the CU can enter any number of times. There are rumors that the results are skewed towards those with a natural disposition for parenting and that those with a history of violent behavior or destructive psychological manipulation are disqualified entirely.

Attribute Maximums: The same as the individual’s usual morph, with a minimum Vigor and Spirit of D10. Other modifications can be made if the person wants to continue working during their pregnancy.

Includes Ginsert with Firewall 8 and two interface ports. Fertility morphs are modified to host any familiar the controlling intelligence possesses.

Jock: Although this morph is mostly utilized by more capitalistic SMMs, Unity allows citizens who have any of a variety of physical talents to use them as well. This is done in the interest of fulfilling the individual’s potential and in order to participate in global sporting contests, which are sometimes Unity’s only allowed contact with other SMMs.

Attribute Maximums: Strength D10, Agility D10, Vigor D12, Smarts D6, Spirit D10

Includes Ginsert with Firewall 4, two interface ports and a Familiar with D6 Smarts and Spirit

Edges: Alertness, Brawny OR Fleet Footed, Common Bond (teammates)

Aphrodite: These morphs can modify their gender at will, a total transformation being possible in a few minutes. Their genetic templates are individually crafted by artificers to give them distinctive good looks, unlike other morphs designed for a pleasing appearance whose attractiveness is more uniform. Aphrodites also have a sanitized metabolism and enhanced phermones to give them the upper hand in any social situation. In Unity, Aphrodites are often found in the entertainment media as well as making up a Geisha caste. In other parts of the world they are found as well, often without the ability to modify their gender as this is offensive to many SMMs and has been made illegal. Despite their lack of this ability, many are attacked or shunned anyway to due to people assuming that they have this ability. Some still exist even in these places, getting their morphs on the black market and staying in hiding.

Attribute Maximums: Strength D6, Agility D6, Vigor D8, Smarts D8, Spirit D8

Includes Ginsert with Firewall 4 (often upgraded outside of CU), two interface ports and a Familiar with D6 Smarts and Spirit (often upgraded outside of CU if available)

Edges: Very Attractive

Enhanced Pheromones

Hindrances: Outsider -6 (In conservative SSMs)